#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import os import shutil import re from io import StringIO import yaml def _raise_err(format, *args) : raise ValueError(format % args) def _load_yaml(yaml_file) : print(u'load: ' + yaml_file) with open(yaml_file, u'r') as f : return yaml.load(f.read()) class Node : all = {} keys = [] @classmethod def init(cls) : Node.all = {} Node.keys = [] for node_type in [u'person', u'company'] : for node_id in os.listdir(u'../data/' + node_type) : yaml_file = u'../data/%s/%s/brief.yaml' % (node_type, node_id) node = Node(_load_yaml(yaml_file), node_id, node_type) if node_id in Node.all : _raise_err(u'Node id conflict: "%s"!', node_id) Node.all[node_id] = node Node.keys.append(node_id) print(u'Node number: %d' % len(Node.all)) def __init__(self, yaml, node_id, type) : self.id = node_id self.type = type self.name = yaml[u'name'] if u'other_names' in yaml : # person self.other_names = yaml[u'other_names'] if u'sex' in yaml : # person self.sex = yaml[u'sex'] if u'full_name' in yaml : # company self.full_name = yaml[u'full_name'] self.birth = yaml[u'birth'] self.death = yaml[u'death'] self.desc = yaml[u'desc'] self.links = yaml[u'links'] class Relation : all = {} keys = [] @classmethod def init(cls) : for family_id in os.listdir(u'../data/family/') : family_id = family_id.replace(u'.yaml', u'') yaml_file = u'../data/family/%s.yaml' % (family_id,) if family_id not in Node.all : _raise_err(u'Invalid family name: "%s"!', family_id) yaml = _load_yaml(yaml_file) for lst in yaml[u'relations'] : relation = Relation(lst) Relation.all[relation.name] = relation Relation.keys.append(relation.name) print(u'Relation number: %d' % len(Relation.all)) def __init__(self, lst) : self.node_from = lst[0] self.node_to = lst[1] self.desc = lst[2] self.name = self.node_from + u'->' + self.node_to if self.name in Relation.all : _raise_err(u'Relation name conflict: "%s"!', self.name) if self.node_from not in Node.all : _raise_err(u'Invalid relation "from" attr: "%s"!', self.node_from) if self.node_to not in Node.all : _raise_err(u'Invalid relation "to" attr": "%s"!', self.node_to) class Family : all = {} keys = [] @classmethod def init(cls) : for family_id in os.listdir(u'../data/family/') : family_id = family_id.replace(u'.yaml', u'') yaml_file = u'../data/family/%s.yaml' % (family_id,) if family_id not in Node.all : _raise_err(u'Invalid family name: "%s"!', family_id) family = Family(_load_yaml(yaml_file)) Family.all[family_id] = family Family.keys.append(family_id) print(u'Family number: %d' % len(Family.all)) def __init__(self, yaml) : self.name = yaml[u'name'] self.inner = yaml[u'inner'] self.outer = yaml[u'outer'] self.members = [self.name] + self.inner + self.outer for name in self.members : if name not in Node.all : _raise_err(u'Invalid family members: "%s"!', name) class Graph : def __init__(self, yaml) : self._name = yaml[u'name'] self._families = yaml[u'families'] self._families.reverse() self._nodes = [] self._relations = [] for f in self._families : family = Family.all[f] for n in family.members : if n not in self._nodes : self._nodes.append(n) for r in Relation.keys : relation = Relation.all[r] if relation.node_from in family.members \ and relation.node_to in family.members \ and r not in self._relations : self._relations.append(r) def dump(self) : output = StringIO() for n in self._nodes : output.write(self._dot_node(n)) output.write(u'\n') for r in self._relations : output.write(self._dot_relation(r)) output.write(u'\n') if len(self._families) > 1 : for f in self._families : output.write(self._dot_sub_graph(f)) template = u''' digraph %s { \trankdir = "LR"; \tranksep = 0.5; \tlabel = "%s"; \tlabelloc = "t"; \tfontsize = "24"; \tfontname = "SimHei"; \tgraph [style="filled", color="lightgrey"]; \tnode [fontname="SimSun"]; \tedge [fontname="SimSun"]; %s } ''' return template % (self._name, self._name, output.getvalue()) def _node_color(self, node) : if u'company' == node.type : return u'green' else : return (u'blue' if u'M'==node.sex else u'red') def _other_names(self, node) : other_names = '' if u'person'==node.type and node.other_names : other_names = u', '.join([u'%s:%s' % (k,v) for k,v in node.other_names.items()]) elif u'company'==node.type and node.full_name : other_names = node.full_name return u'(%s)' % (other_names,) if other_names else '' def _dot_node(self, node_id) : node = Node.all[node_id] template = u'\t%s [shape="%s", color="%s", ' \ u'label=<' \ u'' \ u'%s' \ u'' \ u'
>];\n' portrait = u'../data/person/%s/portrait.png' % (node_id,) portrait = u'' % (portrait,) if os.path.exists(portrait) else '' return template % (node.id, u'box' if u'person'==node.type else u'ellipse', self._node_color(node), node.name, (u'' if node.birth==u'N/A' else u' [%s]'%node.birth), self._other_names(node), portrait, node.desc.replace(u'\n', u'
')) def _dot_relation(self, name) : relation = Relation.all[name] template = u'''\t%s -> %s [label="%s", style=%s, color="%s"];\n''' if re.match(u'^夫|妻$', relation.desc) : style = u'bold' elif re.match(u'^父|母$', relation.desc) : style = u'solid' elif re.match(u'^(独|长|次|三|四|五|六|七)?(子|女)$', relation.desc) : style = u'solid' elif re.match(u'^.*?(兄|弟|姐|妹)$', relation.desc) : style = u'dashed' else : style = u'dotted' return template % (relation.node_from, relation.node_to, relation.desc, style, self._node_color(Node.all[relation.node_to])) def _dot_sub_graph(self, name) : node = Node.all[name] if node.type == u'company' : return self._dot_node(name) family = Family.all[name] template = u''' \tsubgraph "cluster_%s" \t{ \t\tfontsize="18"; \t\tlabel="%s家族"; \t\t%s; \t} ''' return template % (family.name, family.name, u';'.join([name]+family.inner)) class Builder : def __init__(self) : Node.init() Relation.init() Family.init() def _mkdir(self, name) : if os.path.exists(name) : shutil.rmtree(name) os.mkdir(name) def _exec(self, cmd) : print(cmd) return os.system(cmd.encode(u'utf-8')) def do(self, file_type) : os.chdir(u'../download/') self._mkdir(u'dot') self._mkdir(file_type) n = 0 for graph in _load_yaml(u'../data/graph.yaml') : n += 1 name = u'%02d-%s' % (n, graph[u'name']) dot_file = u'./dot/%s.dot' % (name,) output_file = u'./%s/%s.%s' % (file_type, name, file_type) with open(dot_file, u'wb') as f : f.write(Graph(graph).dump().encode(u'utf-8')) cmd = u'dot "%s" -T%s -o"%s"' % (dot_file, file_type, output_file) if self._exec(cmd) != 0 : _raise_err(u'Make "%s" failed!', dot_file) return 0 if '__main__' == __name__ : try : if len(sys.argv) != 2 : print(u'''Usage:\n%s file_type (file_type is pdf or jpg or png or gif or tiff or svg or ps)''' % sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(0) sys.exit(Builder().do(sys.argv[1])) except Exception as err : print(u'Make abort!\n%s' % err) sys.exit(1)