# theme basic info theme_info: name: ILS version: 1.0.2 author: XPoet repository: https://github.com/XPoet/hexo-theme-ils # navigation menu menu: Home: / Archives: /archives About: /about # Links: /links # ... # RSS rss: enable: true # favicon favicon: images/favicon.png # comment plugin comments: # Valine. # more info please open https://github.com/xCss/Valine valine: enable: false # true or false appid: # your leancloud application appid appkey: # your leancloud application appkey meta: # type: Array, default: ['nick','mail','link'] placeholder: Please share your thoughts with us in the comments below! #your placeholder # Gitalk # For more information: https://gitalk.github.io, https://github.com/gitalk/gitalk gitalk: enable: false github_id: # GitHub repo owner repository: # Repository name to store issues client_id: # GitHub Application Client ID client_secret: # GitHub Application Client Secret distraction_free_mode: false # Facebook-like distraction free mode # Show PV/UV of the website/page with busuanzi. # Get more information on http://ibruce.info/2015/04/04/busuanzi/ busuanzi_count: # count values only if the other configs are false enable: false # custom uv span for the whole site site_uv: false # custom pv span for the whole site site_pv: false # custom pv span for one page only page_pv: false # Local Search # Dependencies: https://github.com/theme-next/hexo-generator-searchdb local_search: enable: false # If auto, trigger search by changing input. # If manual, trigger search by pressing enter key or search button. trigger: auto # Show top n results per article, show all results by setting to -1 top_n_per_article: 1 # Unescape html strings to the readable one. unescape: false # Preload the search data when the page loads. preload: false # Code Block codeblock: style: flat # Available values: default | flat | mac copy_button: enable: true # Table of Contents in the Sidebar # Front-matter variable (unsupport wrap expand_all). toc: enable: true # Automatically add list number to toc. number: true # If true, all words will placed on next lines if header width longer then sidebar width. wrap: false # If true, all level of TOC in a post will be displayed, rather than the activated part of it. expand_all: false # Maximum heading depth of generated toc. max_depth: 6 # magic theme style magic: enable: true sidebar: enable: false position: right side-tools: enable: true position: right back2top: enable: true position: right