263 lines
10 KiB
263 lines
10 KiB
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Your basic info
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Your blog website title
title: Keep Theme
# Your blog website author name
author: Keep Team
# Your blog website url
url: https://keep.xpoet.cn/
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Theme style settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Theme primary color
primary_color: "#0066CC"
# Your blog website logo image
# You can use local image, image external link or don’t fill
logo: /images/logo.svg
# Favicon (You can use local image or image external link)
favicon: /images/logo.svg
# Avatar (You can use local image or image external link)
avatar: /images/avatar.svg
# Left side TOC width (you don't usually have to change it)
left_side_width: 260px
# Content area max width (you don't usually have to change it)
content_max_width: 920px
# Mouse hover style settings
# Shadow effect when the mouse hover. Option values: true | false
shadow: false
# Scale effect when the mouse hover. Option values: true | false
scale: false
# First screen style settings
enable: false # Option values: true | false
# Set transparent background for header. Option values: true | false
header_transparent: false
# First screen background image (You can use local image or image external link)
background_img: /images/bg.svg
# First screen description
# You can use the "||" to begin a newline, maximum is two lines.
description: Keep writing and Keep loving.
# If you want to customize the first screen font color, you can fill in here (e.g. "#0066CC")
# Otherwise use the theme default font color
# If enable hitokoto, first screen description is different every time when you enter the site
enable: false # Option values: true | false
# Page scroll style settings
# Show progress bar in top when page scroll
enable: false # Option values: true | false
# Show percent when page scroll
enable: false # Option values: true | false
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Navigation menu
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If you want to enable Categories and Tags, you need to create categories and tags pages
# e.g. `hexo new page categories` or `hexo new page tags`
Home: /
Archives: /archives
# Categories: /categories
# Tags: /tags
# Links: /links
# About: /about
# Changelog: /changelog
# ......
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Social contact link
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
enable: false # Option values: true | false
github: # Your GitHub URL
weixin: # Your WeChat QR-Code image URL
qq: # Your QQ QR-Code image URL
weibo: # Your WeiBo URL
zhihu: # Your ZhiHu URL
twitter: # Your Twitter URL
facebook: # Your Facebook URL
email: # Your Email
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Home page article block display settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
enable: false # Show category in home page article block. Option values: true | false
limit: 3 # Max number of categories shown in home page article block
enable: false # Show tags in home page article block. Option values: true | false
limit: 5 # Max number of tags shown in home page article block
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Post page Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Image align position in the post, Option values: left | center
img_align: left
# Post word count
# Dependencies: hexo-wordcount (`npm install hexo-wordcount`)
# See: https://github.com/willin/hexo-wordcount
enable: false # Option values: true | false
wordcount: false # Word count, one article. Option values: true | false
min2read: false # Time to read, one article. Option values: true | false
# Author label in the post
enable: true # Option values: true | false
# If true, show Lv1, Lv2, Lv3...
# If false, show custom_label_list
auto: true # Option values: true | false
# Label array item can be fill one or more
custom_label_list: ["Trainee", "Engineer", "Architect"]
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Code block tools
# Support code copy and code block collapse
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
enable: false # Option values: true | false
style: default # Option values: default | mac
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Table of Contents in the Sidebar
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
enable: false # Option values: true | false
# Automatically add list number to toc.
number: false # Option values: true | false
# If true, all level of TOC in a post will be displayed, rather than the activated part of it.
expand_all: false # Option values: true | false
# If true, open TOC every time when you enter the article page
init_open: false # Option values: true | false
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Post copyright info
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
enable: false # Option values: true | false
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Website count
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# busuanzi
# See: http://ibruce.info/2015/04/04/busuanzi/
enable: false # Option values: true | false
site_uv: false # Option values: true | false
site_pv: false # Option values: true | false
page_pv: false # Option values: true | false
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Local Search
# Dependencies: hexo-generator-searchdb (`npm install hexo-generator-searchdb`)
# See: https://github.com/theme-next/hexo-generator-searchdb
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
enable: false # Option values: true | false
preload: false # Preload the search data when the page loads. Option values: true | false
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Comment plugin
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
enable: false # Option values: true | false
use: valine # Option values: valine | gitalk | twikoo
# Valine
# See: https://github.com/xCss/Valine
appid: # Your leancloud application appid
appkey: # Your leancloud application appkey
placeholder: # Input box placeholder
# Gitalk
# See: https://github.com/gitalk/gitalk
github_id: # GitHub repo owner
github_admins: # GitHub Admins (in Array type), optional.
repository: # Repository name to store issues
client_id: # GitHub Application Client ID
client_secret: # GitHub Application Client Secret
# Twikoo
# See: https://github.com/imaegoo/twikoo
env_id: # Tencent Cloud environment id
region: # Environment region. If select Guangzhou, fill in "ap-guangzhou".
version: 1.6.7 # Twikoo version, default use v1.6.7, you can custom fill
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Dependencies: hexo-generator-feed
# See: https://github.com/hexojs/hexo-generator-feed
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
enable: false # Option values: true | false
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Lazyload image
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
enable: false # Option values: true | false
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
enable: false # Option values: true | false
provider: jsdelivr # Option values: jsdelivr | unpkg
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
enable: false # Option values: true | false
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Footer settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
since: 2020 # the starting year of your website. Can be null
icp: # ICP record number of your website. Can be null
upyun: # If your site is deployed on upyun, your can fill the upyun url. Can be null
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Keep version
# Please don't modify
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
version: 3.4.7